Glenfiddich residency, considering notions of harvest on the meeting point between land and water, North Scotland coastline
Above: Rimlands (Shorts) 2020
This landscape-based line of research branches out from a geopolitical term, Rimlands, originally coined by UK politician Halford John Mackinder (1861-1947) in pre WWII strategising. Geopolitically, Rimlands surround Heartlands (cores of political and economic power). Rimlands are, by extension, tradable, invadable, expendable to the Heartlands. These terms collapse power, land and history to a simple hierarchy of position.
This research centres around the Northern Scottish coastline, relatively remote, yet continuously inhabited since Neolithic times, when these shores held the centres of human occupation, harvest and trade. These terms: harvest, territorialisation, building, are reconsidered here through landscape based actions.
This landscape-based line of research branches out from a geopolitical term, Rimlands, originally coined by UK politician Halford John Mackinder (1861-1947) in pre WWII strategising. Geopolitically, Rimlands surround Heartlands (cores of political and economic power). Rimlands are, by extension, tradable, invadable, expendable to the Heartlands. These terms collapse power, land and history to a simple hierarchy of position.
This research centres around the Northern Scottish coastline, relatively remote, yet continuously inhabited since Neolithic times, when these shores held the centres of human occupation, harvest and trade. These terms: harvest, territorialisation, building, are reconsidered here through landscape based actions.
Work in progress, considering landscape based lines-of-sight and ideas around the term ‘harvest’.
These two locations and modes of harvest are placed side by side: un-utilised North Sea oil rigs overwintering in the Cromerty Firth and off-shore wind turbines further east around the norther Scottish coastline. Decaying and emergent infrastructure, in mythologically matching scale of size and form.