Learning from lichen
Awarded the S+T+ARTS residency at The Hague: Repairing the Present This awarded project by Penelope Cain, Repairing with Lichen draws on lichen as an entry …
Awarded the S+T+ARTS residency at The Hague: Repairing the Present This awarded project by Penelope Cain, Repairing with Lichen draws on lichen as an entry …
Sidebody : Catalogue Essay Elizabeth Reidy Penelope Cain works with landscapes in their widest definition with ongoing reference to the colonized, extracted and transformed landscapes …
‘We are contaminated by our encounters…’ writes Anthropologist Anna Tsing in ‘The Mushroom at the End of the World’. There’s a tree species in the …
Phyto accumulate Anthropologist Anna Tsing writes in ‘The Mushroom at the End of the World’ about the possibility of life at the edges of late …
New work for the curated show, Rewilding, March 2021, Sydney (Curated by anthropologist, Sky Hugman and curator, Ann Proudfoot) Link to catalogue essay: HERE Thinking …
This new line of research is a speculative longitudinal documentation of the recovery of the forest after the Christmas bushfires in the Blue Mountains, Australia. …
Mazu’s Children Work in progress 2020 video, photography, sound, objects A landscape-based consideration of a geopolitical rimlands, containing insfrastructures of power embedded within its history …
Ive been considering, through walking, two areas of coastland in Northern Scotland. The first is adjacent to a line of off-shore oil-rigs, as they over-winter …
Ive just returned from the privilege of spending some time with the scientists at the Centre for Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute, …
Penelope Cain (AUS), with 2019 research microresidency enabled by Lima-based Independent Arts Organisation, HAWAPI (PERU) This project is in-progress, across June 2019- Dec 2020: a …